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Five Fabulous Ways to Have More Fun at Work

Five Fabulous Ways to Have More Fun at Work

According to Bob Pike, author of “The Fun Minute Manager” , bosses should strive to create an office culture that is fun, productive and profitable. He adds that fun at work reduces employee turnover, it increases creativity and innovation, and it’s good for the bottom line.

A fun work environment is one in which both formal and informal activities occur regularly that are designed to uplift people’s spirits and remind them of their value to the organization. This can be done through the use of humor, games, celebrations, or recognition of achievements.

For both managers and employees looking for ways to bring more levity to the workplace, here are five ideas you can start implementing right away:

Establish a Daily Routine for Energizing the Office in the Afternoon

Most people need an energy boost in the afternoon. At Microsoft they blast music at three o’clock when everyone’s energy is starting to slump: some people get up and dance and everyone claps when the song is over. At another office they spin in their chairs for thirty seconds around two in the afternoon. Another idea is to take a quick coffee break in which you can watch a short stand-up comedy routine on DVD in the coffee room.

Bring Some Fun to Meetings

In the book “The Levity Effect: Why It Pays to Liven Up”, Adrian Gostick and Scott Christopher explain that researchers have reported that humor during meetings was found to “facilitate a transition from a feeling of tension and defensiveness to a realization of relative safety and playfulness.”

Some companies start their meeting with a Laughter Yoga session to encourage people to loosen up and bring forth their best ideas. Other companies make sure that there’s food and candy available during meetings. Still others provide paper and crayons and other fun props, such as slinkys and silly putty.

Have Friendly Competitions

There are many companies that set up a basketball court in the parking lot so that employees can have basketball tournaments during their lunch breaks. Others send out an email with a riddle or a puzzle each Monday and offer a small prize to the first person that solves it. Still others have pie eating contests, dart contests, or office chair relay races.

Celebrate Important Events and Milestones

It’s important to celebrate reaching both company and personal milestones. Get together once a month at a restaurant or pub and congratulate each other for birthdays, weight loss, giving up the nicotine habit, or reaching the company’s sales quota. Employees need to feel that the company is aware of their achievements and that management has an interest in their personal goals.

Create a Humor Bulletin Board

Create a humor bulletin board and hang it up in a visible place. Look for cartoons and jokes which poke fun at the circumstances that cause negativity or conflict in the office. You can also encourage people to bring in funny vacation photos or pictures of their kids or pets looking comical. Candid photos of employees are also a fun addition to the humor bulletin board.


A fun environment is part of a high-trust environment, and creating trust from employees is vital for a company that wants to be successful. Trust makes employees loyal and it keeps them focused on the organization’s goals and core values. In addition, humor stimulates creativity and aids in problem solving. In today’s economy, a creative workforce is a powerful asset. What other ways can you think of to bring more fun, humor, and levity to the workplace?